OR Shout Out

Jul 04, 2023

In no particular order...

Shout Out #1: Jo-Anne Rouse was nominated because of 'Friendship'. "I am incredibly thankful to Jo for encouraging me to join Olney Runners and become part of this amazing community! Not only does she give me a lift most weeks but she also got me to sign up and run my first event which was a mega confidence booster. Thank you Jo!".

Shout Out #2: Simon Cook was nominated because of 'Friendship'. "When we are stopped from running by injury it can be tempting to hide away and feel sorry for ourselves , but Simon who is giving his knee a bit extra rest, turned up at 7pm to support and coach group 2 so they could achieve something on their Wednesday night. Chapeau Simon!"

Shout Out #3:  (Our first joint nomination). Iain Dickinson and Jo Marshall Based on Performance they were nominated because "Iain and Jo managed to cover 50miles on a super scorching hot day, with very minimal shade! They supported each other yet again through many highs and lows and kept going when the going got tough."

Shout Out #4:  Tony Lamming. "Tony has achieved a PB in both the half and full marathon this year, which is impressive enough, but in doing so he ranked 6th nationally and 22nd in the world for his category in the marathon. It's truly inspiring and gives us all hope that's it's never too late to improve and achieve amazing stuff!"

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